Adam Rashid

I am a Regents' and Chancellor's Scholar at the University of California, Berkeley majoring in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. I am currently doing research in the AUTOLab at UC Berkeley, where I am work with Ken Goldberg and Angjoo Kanazawa.

I'm very interested in 3D scene representations (NeRFs) and how they can be leveraged in robotics. I'm also interested in how we can use language to interact with robots.

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LERF-TOGO: Language Embedded Radiance Fields for Zero-Shot Task-Oriented Grasping
Adam Rashid*, Satvik Sharma*, Chung Min Kim, Justin Kerr, Lawrence Yunliang Chen, Angjoo Kanazawa, Ken Goldberg
*Equal contribution
CORL 2023   (Oral Presentaion)
arXiv / Website

LERF-TOGO uses CLIP and DINO features for language-specified tasks performing zero-shot semantic grasping.

Source code for this page was taken from Jon Barron's website.